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Info dla Polaka

epa09144823 A car leaves the territory of Czech embassy in Moscow, Russia, 19 April 2021. Russia expels 20 diplomats of the Czech embassy in Moscow in responce to the decision of Czech authorities to expel 18 diplomats from the Russian embassy in Prague over accusation of alleged involvement of Russian intelligence services in an ammunition depot explosion in Vrbetice in 2014. EPA/YURI KOCHETKOV Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

Niedługo wspólne projekty ustaw Lewicy, KO i PSL

epa09154097 An ambulance outside the Vijay Vallabh COVID care hospital in the aftermath of a fire, in Virar West, on the outskirts of Mumbai, India, 23 April 2021. At least 12 patients who were being treated for COVID-19 died after a fire broke out inside the ICU ward of the hospital. EPA/DIVYAKANT SOLANKI Dostawca: PAP/EPA.

Indie. 13 pacjentów z Covid-19 zginęło w pożarze szpitala

03.03.2021 Gdansk. Pierwszy dzien probnych matur w VIII Liceum Ogolnoksztalcacym w Gdansku. Fot. Karolina Misztal/REPORTER

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